Okay, let me start with a disclaimer... I've never been a comic book reader or an avid cartoon watcher. In fact, I almost skipped this post because I'm not really a super hero type. I'm not against them, I've just never been into them. And I would have no interest in seeing movies like The Dark Knight or Iron Man if it weren't for my friends or husband. However, every time I have seen one of said movies, I actually really like them. I've been exposed to them more than ever recently, and I have the hubby to thank for that. *Fun fact: That's the first time I've ever called him 'the hubby.' I've always laughed at girls that do that...
Anyway, what I lack in nerdiness, he totally makes up for. In fact, this is what he's doing right now...
Playing World of Warcraft. Wearing his Super Collins shirt.
But I digress.
Brian just recently introduced me to a cartoon/superhero movie that I actually really enjoyed. So without further adieu, my favorite superhero is...
Helen Parr

Mrs. Incredible!
Now for the explanation... basically, she represents all women. She was a strong, independent girl who fell in love with the perfect man. As they raise their family together she finds herself facing new challenges as a wife and mother that are possibly even more taxing than the heroic efforts she put forth in her "former" life as a superhero. Her story is one of personal growth and recognition, as she realizes that she doesn't have to give up who she is and what she loves in her new endeavors. She is still Elastigirl... she's a kickass, in charge woman and she has all kinds of skills. She now has multiple roles and she is learning how to balance them and succeed at them. At the risk of sounding completely corny, she is someone who I see myself in and a person I hope to become in the future:
(Ya know, without the stretching abilities. I'm keeping it real.)
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