These were the first two:
We couldn’t get the lighting quite right…
But anyway, this was in January 2010, shortly after we had started dating.We went to the Griffith Observatory to star gaze. He was easy to talk to and we had a ton of fun from the day we met, but this was when we were really just starting to become completely at ease with each other. Like we had known each other for years.
And that’s why I love that first picture. (Well, all of them- aside from the lighting!) We were so genuinely happy to be there with each other and it's so easy to read that on our faces! We’re not only smiling with our mouths, but also with our eyes. I can look back at these pictures and remember exactly how I felt- a slight flutter in my stomach that accompanies a new love, giddiness at the jokes and one-liners we playfully bounced off of each other, contentment at spending quality time with someone I was growing more and more in love with.
The amazing thing is that, other than some extra weight and a few more wrinkles, we are still that happy, smiling couple posing on top of a Los Angeles hillside. I still feel that flutter when he walks in the door after he comes home from work. We still crack each other up with jokes that only we would understand. I feel contentment in the best possible way when I see him pick up our daughter and pat our dog on the head and then lean down to give me a kiss.
Although these pictures weren’t taken that long ago, we have gone through so much together. I cherish being able to look back at these snapshots of the beginning of this crazy adventure of ours and reflect on how far we’ve come. Who would have guessed that the goofy, bearded boy that took me to the observatory that night would become my entire world and the love of my life. ♥
Awww that was sweet babe. I love you so much. And I look forward to all the memories that we will share together.